Do More In Less Time

With DriveTrak’s wide range of features you can automate your school, unburden your team and supercharge your business.

Collage of traffic sign outlines and a graph
Signature outline


Custom contracts, electronic signing, automated payments, and a dashboard enabling you to always know exactly where students and parents are in the registration process.

Blackboard outline


Use your own curriculum or choose a curriculum from a DriveTrak partner. Enable your students to learn at their own pace using the DriveTrak app or website.

Steering wheel


Understand how your cars and instructors are scheduled, let your instructors manage their own schedules, posting their availability for students and parents to match up with.

Student Status Dashboard

Overview of every student’s status in your process, calling out areas where students are falling behind or needing attention. Additional statuses disallowing students to move on in situations where there is a balance due. Quickly search to find a specific student.

Ahead & Behind Calculations and Visualizations

Monitor exactly where your students are at in their learning and driving with ahead and behind calculations. Each student has a calculated ahead/behind value indicating their learning and driving progress.  Student progress is plotted on a timeline so you can quickly see exactly where they are in your process. 

Automated Communications

Nearly 50 email and text communication templates that are sent automatically on your driving school’s behalf throughout your student’s journey.  These communications keep your students and parents on the same page with you regarding their status and what to expect next.

Custom Branded Emails

Communicate with your students and parents with professional emails branded for your driving school.

Communication Overwrites

Overwrite any of the out of the box communication templates with your driving school wording and processes.

Electronic Student Record Cards

All student progress information records automatically to the Student Record Card upon their completion of learning and driving tasks.

Auto Filled Driving Application Form

Easily generate a driving application for your students and parents. Student information and driving school signatures are applied automatically.

Payment Management

View and manage your students’ fees and payments and see their overall balance. Add fees, payments, or refunds at any point in the process.

Electronic Bill Payments

Student or parents can easily pay their balances directly in the DriveTrak app to get your balances due paid quickly.

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Mobile phones with the DriveTrak App with green, red, and yellow rings behind them.
Background with stylized DriveTrak logo

See exactly how DriveTrak can optimize your driving school.